Relaxation Massage

Relaxation massage is the most popular type of massage in the world. It involves the use of hands, forearms or elbows to manipulate the superficial layers of the muscles to improve mental and physical health. Active or passive movement of the joints may also be part of the massage. The benefits of Swedish massage include increased blood circulation, mental and physical relaxation , decreased stress and muscle tension, and improved range of motion.

Physical Benefits

There are numerous physical benefits associated with the use of Swedish massage:

  • loosening tight muscles and stretching connective tissues
  • relieving cramps and muscle spasms and decreasing muscle fatigue
  • loosening joints and improving range of motion
  • increasing muscle strength
  • calming the nervous system
  • stimulating blood circulation
  • firming up muscle and skin tone
  • relieving symptoms of such disorders as asthma , arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome , chronic and acute pain syndromes, myofacial pain, headache , temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, and athletic injuries
  • speeding up healing from injury and illness
  • improving lymphatic drainage of metabolic wastes

Mental and Emotional Benefits

Mental benefits associated with massage therapy include the following:

  • mental relaxation
  • improvement in length and quality of sleep
  • relief of stress, depression, anxiety and irritation
  • increased ability to concentrate
  • improved sense of well-being